Dentists recommend 2 checkups per year. Book Your Checkup Today.

TMJ Oral Appliances

Say goodbye to jaw pain! Let our experienced dentist alleviate your discomfort with an oral appliance.

Dental Cleaning

Woman smiling holding her cheek

Say goodbye to jaw pain! Let our experienced dentist alleviate your discomfort with an oral appliance.

Find relief from TMJ pain

woman holding her cheek in pain

Understanding TMJ

Symptoms of TMJ

Recognizing the symptoms of TMJ is crucial in seeking the appropriate treatment. If you experience any of the following, it's essential to consult with our experienced dental professionals:
  • Jaw pain
  • Facial pain
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Jaw clicking or popping
  • Locking of the jaw
woman with toothache

How we treat jaw pain

Pain relief

By stabilizing the jaw joint and minimizing excessive movement, these appliances reduce muscle tension and alleviate pain in the jaw, face, and head.

Improved jaw function

These appliances help realign the jaw, allowing for smooth and comfortable jaw movements.

Minimized teeth grinding

Teeth grinding is a common issue among individuals with TMJ. Oral appliances act as a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, preventing them from grinding against each other.

Non-invasive solution

By using these custom-fit appliances, you can avoid the discomfort and recovery time associated with surgical procedures while still achieving significant pain relief and improved jaw function.

Personalized comfort

Our dental professionals will create a customized oral appliance that fits your mouth perfectly, ensuring optimal comfort and effectiveness.

Live pain-free

You'll be able to go about your daily activities with ease while experiencing the benefits of TMJ pain reduction.
Great Smile Family Dentistry team member

Tailored care

Modern technology

Great Smiles Family Densitry

Save money with our offers

Emergency Exam

Includes necessary X-rays. Must mention or present this coupon at time of booking.
Limited time offer. New patients only.

Affordable dentistry for Tucson families

Book your TMJ consultation today

Don't let TMJ hold you back from enjoying a life free of jaw pain and discomfort. At Great Smile Family Dentistry, our skilled team is ready to help you find relief and regain your oral health. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our jaw pain oral appliances and take the first step towards a pain-free life.
Great Smile Family Dentistry team member

Great Smile Family Dentistry is here to make you smile.